Selling SaaS Globally Operations Today, companies of all sizes are hiring globally. The kicker for SaaS scale ups is that the operational burden and compliance expectations are the same whether you’re a company of 50 or 5,000. To grow your team sustainably, you’ll need to work with 昀椀nance and legal teams to: • Understand variation in international employment laws • Ensure core processes are set up to track and maintain compliance I speak to companies now that have 50 employees from 14 different countries. This is something that in the past would only have been seen in a Fortune 500 company.” Peter Nesbitt COO, TeamPay Why is this a challenge? How you choose to register your business will impact the way in which you are able to hire. In some countries businesses can register exclusively as a hiring entity. In others you’ll need a local business entity or an employer of record based elsewhere to hire local talent. As with payments and tax, employment regulation varies across jurisdictions. The laws by which employees are governed can depend on where they are from as well as where they are working. The a昀昀ected policies are wide-ranging, including Leave and Absence, Compensation, Pensions and Bene昀椀ts. There are also di昀昀erent rules that apply to full-time employees and independent contractors. 34

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