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Selling SaaS Globally How to solve the problem Improving your payment acceptance rate and reducing transaction fees can help you capture more revenue – and avoid customers churning unnecessarily. There are a few di昀昀erent ways to do this: 1 Payment processors Businesses commonly use payment processors, like Stripe or Braintree to manage transactions. Payment processors are responsible for managing the payment transaction process – sitting between the bank and the merchant, moving funds between them. What are the bene昀椀ts? Payment processors usually help you present your checkout, providing an interface for customers to enter their card details or select an alternative payment method. They then facilitate the transaction itself and streamline the process, optimizing against some of the common issues that cause payments to fail. These include inconsistent data formatting and anti-fraud checks. Some payment processors also provide functionality like subscription management and chargeback protection. Things to consider Payment processors aren’t comprehensive. While they usually cover a range of payment methods, they won’t cover them all. To support a more extensive range of local payment methods across territories, you’ll need to integrate with a number of di昀昀erent providers. Likewise, additional functionality and services – including cross-border payments and FX – usually come at additional cost. Although standard transaction fees might look low, they can start to spiral as you scale. 10

Selling SaaS Globally | Handbook - Page 10 Selling SaaS Globally | Handbook Page 9 Page 11