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Selling SaaS Globally Support Once your product is in the hands of users, you also need to consider how you help them use it. Your support offering should: • Reduce friction that could turn customers onto local competitors • Make it easy for them to troubleshoot issues when they inevitably arise • Provide prompt solutions across time zones • Be of the same standard regardless of where the customer is based Why is this a challenge? Customers have high expectations: 51% want businesses to be available 11 24/7, and if you can’t meet their needs, they might go elsewhere. Providing full time support across every timezone is a mammoth task. It can require a huge headcount across multiple di昀昀erent o昀케ces, which is expensive to implement and challenging to centrally manage – especially if some of that headcount is also remote. These issues are made more complicated by the fact that customers in di昀昀erent geographies have di昀昀erent preferences about how they contact you, too. In Asia, WeChat is popular, and businesses globally are starting to use Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp alongside traditional phone and email channels. 30

Selling SaaS Globally | Handbook - Page 30 Selling SaaS Globally | Handbook Page 29 Page 31